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German Lessons offered by Club Member and Certified Teacher
Individual or Small Group Instruction
Beginners to Advanced Levels! Alle Willkommen!
For more information, please contact Richard Storey
Seeking a German speaking member to converse with a German immigrant at the Londonderry Village Nursing Care Community, 1200 Grubb Road, Palmyra PA 17078.
Message to the Liederkranz from the Director of Therapeutic Recreation at Londonderry:
I am inquiring if any members of your organization would be willing and able to visit a resident at our skilled nursing care community.
Her name is Maria and she is an immigrant from Germany and was very active in a German Club in the past. She desires companionship and conversation in German. She is longing for a sense of commonality with her German heritage and any length of visit and frequency would be sincerely appreciated.
If any member would be interested in learning more, please contact the club at and we will put you in touch with the Director at Londonderry.
Wanted to Buy -- Euro. I would like to buy any extra Euro that you may have. I will pay current exchange rates.
Also, anyone who has utilized a Relative Locating Service in Germany, please contact me with that information.